MLT - Years & Genres

Automatically Update MP3 Years and Genres in Serato and Rekordbox

Some tracks may not be found right away, but we're continuously working to update missing years and genres. If your track data isn't available now, try rescanning in a few days—there's a chance it may be updated.
For the best results, ensure your tracks have a title and an artist. MLT uses the Title and Artist to search for the years and Genres

This is currently beta software

We are constantly updating the software to improve it all the time. If you have any issues oer want something improved, please use the feedback button on the app


Update MP3 Years and Genres Instantly with Drag and Drop

Easily drag and drop your MP3s to Update/Remove The Years and Genres In Serato DJ Pro

Free Updates For All MLT Years and Genre Users

  • Drag And Drop

    Simply pick up your MP3 or group of MP3s and drag them over the process you would like to run and watch the magic!

  • Continunous Data Updates

    Some tracks may not be found right away, but we're continuously working to update missing years and genres. If your track data isn't available now, try rescanning in a few days—there's a chance it may be updated.

  • Seperate Updates

    You can now update Year Only, Genre Only and Sub-Genre Only. This is great for DJs who have already started to organise!

  • Clean Up Your Data

    You can clear your Unwanted Years and Genres By Using The Clear Functions In Music Library Tools

  • MP3 Support

    We only support MP3s at the moment, but we are working on introducing more file formats

  • Unlimited Use

    Update as many tracks as you like, there are no Subscription fees

  • Updating Sub-Genres

    You can also update Sub-Genres and put them in one of the Pre-Selected Columns provided by MLT

  • Windows and Mac Compatible

    Music Library Tools Works With Both Windows and Mac!

  • Keep All Your Serato Data

    MLT only updates the Years, Genres and Sub-Genres. Your Cue Points, Play Count and Beatgrids Remain The Same In Serato After Updating

  • Feedback

    We are open to new ideas and feedback, so we have provided a Feedback Button to help use Improve MLT